El Paso Truck Accident Attorneys

Our 18-Wheeler Accident Lawyers Secured Billions of Dollars for Our Clients

Commercial trucks can weigh between 10,000 and 80,000 pounds, which makes them significantly larger than even the most oversized passenger vehicles you can find on El Paso highways. That's why crashes involving tractor-trailers and other large trucks are more deadly, often causing catastrophic injuries or wrongful death.

The El Paso truck accident attorneys at Arnold & Itkin are here to help victims rebuild their lives. Every case we take becomes personal, and we have a history of securing record-breaking victories. This allows our clients to cover the costs of medical care, put food on the table, and replace their income while they heal. We have handled all kinds of 18-wheeler accident cases in El Paso and throughout the U.S., representing carrier employees, independent contractors, and passenger vehicle drivers. Let us review your options and help you make the journey back to everyday life.

For your free case review, call our El Paso truck accident lawyers at (888) 493-1629 or contact us online.

The Very Best Truck Accident Lawyers

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We Handles All Types of Truck Accident Cases

After a big rig accident, hiring an attorney may be the last thing on your mind. You may believe that the insurance company will treat you fairly and that you'll get the medical care and money you need when you need it. Instead, you may find yourself dealing with an insurance adjuster who thinks the accident is your fault, bills that pile up because you can't work, and more questions than answers.

There are many benefits to hiring an attorney to handle your case. Our team has experience investigating truck accidents, determining fault, and identifying all sources of compensation. We know how to take on insurance companies, big corporations, and the teams of attorneys they deploy to try to avoid liability.

What Are Some of the Most Common Types of Truck Accidents?

The El Paso truck accident lawyers at Arnold & Itkin have seen it all, and we've helped clients move forward after every kind of truck accident that you can imagine. With our wealth of experience handling truck accident cases, you can feel confident that we know how to secure the compensation you deserve. We know how the trucking industry works, and we understand the harmful practices they encourage as well as the tactics they will use to try to avoid accountability. Let us fight for the justice you deserve after a truck accident has left you injured.

Common types of truck accidents include:

  • Box truck accidents
  • Cement truck accidents
  • Dump truck accidents
  • Delivery vehicle collisions
  • Garbage truck accidents
  • Jackknife accidents
  • Rear-end truck accidents
  • Tanker truck accidents
  • Tractor-trailer/18-wheeler crashes
  • Tow truck accidents
  • Underride accidents

Types of Injuries Sustained in Truck Accidents

Some of the injuries we help truck accident victims recover compensation for include:

  • Broken bones & fractures
  • Burn injuries
  • Disfigurement
  • Head trauma & brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Soft tissues damage
  • Whiplash

Whatever the specifics of your case are, you can count on the dedicated legal team at Arnold & Itkin to tirelessly investigate and strategize to build the strongest case possible for you. We are committed to fighting for our clients' bid for justice and financial recovery.

What Causes Truck Accidents?

Truck accidents may be caused by distracted driving, speeding, drunk driving, and many other factors that contribute to all motor vehicle collisions.

Some causes of accidents that are unique to commercial trucks include:

  • Unsecured cargo
  • Overloaded trucks
  • Poorly maintained vehicles
  • Blind-spot collisions

Whether you were injured driving a truck or another vehicle, our El Paso truck accident lawyers at Arnold & Itkin can help determine what caused your crash and how to help you recover the compensation you need to rebuild.

Questions to Ask After an El Paso Big Rig Accident

If you were involved in a collision with a big rig, you're probably wondering whether you have a truck accident claim. This will depend on several factors, so your best bet is to talk to an attorney who has experience in these matters. You can also ask yourself a few basic questions to assess the situation on your own.

After a truck collision, ask yourself:

  • Did someone else cause the crash?
  • Were you seriously injured?
  • Are you unable to work?
  • Has the accident affected your quality of life?
  • Is the insurance company treating you fairly?
  • Are you unsure of where to turn or what to do?

Now is the time to get these questions answered. At Arnold & Itkin, we offer a free consultation to talk to you about what happened. We can answer your questions and help you consider your options

18-Wheeler Accident Cases Are Complicated

Any motor vehicle accident can cause serious harm, and any resulting lawsuit can be challenging to handle. With commercial truck accidents, however, there are more challenges to consider. Fortunately, our El Paso truck accident law firm knows what to expect and has the resources (and willpower) to overcome any obstacle.

Truck accidents are more complicated than standard motor vehicle accidents because:

  • They are more likely to cause catastrophic injuries. The sheer size and weight of a big rig or 18-wheeler, plus the cargo it holds, make it a powerful force on the road. When a commercial truck is involved in a collision, it is far more likely to cause considerable damage to other vehicles.
  • Multiple parties may be liable (legally responsible). When two cars collide, there are usually only two parties who could be at fault: the drivers. With a truck accident, there are other parties to consider. The trucking company, the truck driver, the loading company, or the company responsible for maintaining or manufacturing truck parts could be responsible.
  • The trucking company may not be forthcoming in providing evidence. Logbooks, employment records, and the truck's "black box" (event data recorder) are all key pieces of evidence in a truck accident claim. Unfortunately, some trucking companies have been known to hide or bury this documentation to make it more difficult to prove the cause of a crash.
  • State and federal trucking laws will come into play. Complex state and federal laws regulate commercial trucks. When shipping companies, truck drivers, and manufacturers violate these laws, they can be held accountable for any resulting collision. In-depth knowledge of trucking regulations will be crucial in any El Paso truck accident claim or lawsuit.

These complications will make an 18-wheeler accident case more difficult, but they can be addressed. The right strategy and an unrelenting commitment to finding answers and seeing justice served have helped our El Paso personal injury firm secure life-changing results for clients who have been injured in trucking accidents.

Non-Driving Tasks, Trucker Fatigue & El Paso Trucking Accidents

It seems that trucking companies are structured to make accidents almost inevitable. Truck drivers are paid only for the miles they drive, which means there are tasks that they perform off the clock. These tasks are often vital for safety; however, since truckers don't get paid to perform them, some may leave these tasks undone.

The following are examples of non-driving work that every trucker must do:

  • Rig inspections at weigh-ins
  • Getting a full night of rest before driving
  • Rig repair and maintenance
  • Waiting for loading and unloading
  • Self-inspection
  • Route planning

If drivers perform these tasks, they may drive long hours to help make up for unpaid time. Studies have shown that these long drives can lead to more truck accidents. Fatigued drivers who drive in violation of hours-of-service regulations put themselves and others on the road at risk. Too many have had to pay the price for these unsafe practices, and Arnold & Itkin is committed to holding companies accountable for the harm they cause.

Contact Truck Accident Lawyers in El Paso with a Proven Track Record

At Arnold & Itkin, our truck accident case results have include:

  • $35.5 million recovered on behalf of a family who was injured in a truck accident
  • $12.4 million recovered for a worker who suffered a traumatic brain injury because he was hit by a UPS delivery truck
  • $12 million won for a truck driver who suffered injuries and a stroke when the cargo he was unloading fell on him
  • $11.7 million won for a Texan who sustained serious injuries after he was struck by an 18-wheeler
  • $11 million recovered for a woman who sustained serious injuries from a big truck rear-ending her
  • $10 million recovered within six months of filing on behalf of a family who lost a loved one in a trucking accident
  • $10 million won for a family who lost their father in an 18-wheeler accident
  • And many others

Our attorneys are no strangers to complicated or even high-profile cases. Even when we're going up against some of the most well-financed legal teams in the country, we're able to secure incredible results for our clients. We have won billions of dollars on behalf of the injured and bereaved families. There is no trucking corporation too big for us to take on, nor is there a case too complex for our legal team to successfully handle. Find out how our El Paso truck accident lawyers may be able to help you get the results that you deserve.

Call (888) 493-1629 today or request your free, confidential consultation online to learn more about how our nationally recognized legal team may be able to help you.

Common Questions

  • Why Hire a Houston Truck Accident Lawyer?

    A Houston truck accident attorney can look out for your future after a crash with a big rig, semi-truck, 18-wheeler, or tractor-trailer. If you haven’t already, you will quickly learn that insurance and trucking companies won’t be interested in helping you after a truck accident. These large corporations are fighting to protect their bottom lines, and they will often offer low settlements or try to deny your claim altogether. Hiring the best Houston 18-wheeler accident attorney allows you to meet this challenge. Your compensation will affect your ability to heal and your quality of life. Don’t risk getting less than you need.
  • How Do I Find a Good Houston Truck Accident Lawyer?

    If you’re looking for a good truck accident lawyer, you can start by talking to friends, family, and coworkers to gather recommendations. You can also look online to do your own research. When you find them, make sure you look into their experience, their results, and how they can help you with your case. Not all Houston truck accident attorneys are created equally. You deserve representation from the best after a semi accident, which means finding a lawyer who has a record of success when it comes to trucking accidents. You deserve an attorney who isn’t afraid to take your case to trial to fight for fair compensation. Arnold & Itkin has recovered billions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. We never settle for less than our clients deserve.
  • What Should I Do After a Texas 18-Wheeler Accident?

    Focusing on healing is the most important thing after a Texas semi accident. If your injuries are severe enough to require immediate medical attention, that should be your first step. However, there are a few steps you can take at the scene of the accident to help your claim. First, contact law enforcement so they can complete an accident report. Keep a copy of the hospital’s records regarding your injuries. Gather information from the other driver and witnesses. Get a repair estimate for the damage to your vehicle. Finally, have a doctor examine you regularly after being discharged from the hospital.

  • Is It Worth Getting a Houston Truck Accident Lawyer?

    Trucks are large and heavy, often causing devastating damage. After being in a wreck with them, it’s in your best interest to find an accident attorney to look out for your best rights. Not only to fight for you in a trial but also to ensure the other side offers fair offers at the negotiation table. Our Houston trucking injury lawyers are focused on ensuring a person has the compensation they need to live as comfortably as possible after being harmed in an accident. We’ll fight to win compensation for damages such as medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and anything else our client needs to recover.
  • How Long Does an 18-Wheeler Lawsuit Take?

    Every big rig accident case will be different, so how long your case will take will depend on unique factors. If you have questions about how long you can expect a truck accident lawsuit to take, the best thing you can do is contact a Texas truck accident law firm to discuss your situation. By calling Arnold & Itkin, we can investigate the accident, determine liability, and then get to work preparing your case for trial. We work as quickly as possible to get our clients on the road to recovery with the best possible results.
  • How Are 18-Wheeler Accidents Different from Car Accidents?

    Cases involving Texas truck accidents are more complicated than those with smaller passenger vehicles. The damage done from these massive vehicles is more significant, there are more potentially responsible parties involved, and the stakes are higher. You need to hire a Houston big rig injury attorney who knows the applicable laws and regulations and who is comfortable handling these kinds of cases.

  • When Should You Call a Lawyer After a Truck Accident?

    You need to call a lawyer immediately after an accident with a semi. In these cases, you often face massive trucking companies and their insurance companies. They only have one goal in mind: limit liability and reduce how much they have to pay out of pocket. You need to have an experienced truck accident lawyer on your side to look out for you. Ensuring that someone is leveling the playing field and protecting your rights so that you can get the results you need to move forward with your life.

  • How Common Are Fatal Truck Accidents?

    According to data from the U.S. Department of Transportation, there were 3,602 deaths in all collisions involving large trucks in 2013. That was a little more than 10% of all fatalities in vehicle collisions in the U.S. Of these deaths, over 82% were the deaths of people who were not occupants of the large truck. Other statistics reveal that 98% of accidents involving a semi-truck resulted in at least 1 fatality. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration notes that 55% of the time, the critical failure that led to a crash was on the part of large trucks. Of these instances, the driver was directly responsible 87% of the time, and the vehicle was responsible an additional 10% of the time.

  • What Are Common Causes of Truck Accidents?

    Truck accidents can occur for various reasons, including driver fatigue from long hours on the road, distracted driving, speeding, and reckless or impaired driving. Inadequate training for handling large vehicles, poor vehicle maintenance, and improperly loaded cargo also contribute to accidents by affecting the truck's stability and control. Additionally, adverse weather conditions, equipment failures, and challenging road conditions, such as potholes and construction zones, play significant roles.

  • What Is the Statute of Limitations for a Truck Accident Case in Texas?

    In Texas, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury case, including those resulting from truck accidents, is generally two years from the date of the accident. This means individuals have two years from the day of the incident to initiate a lawsuit in court against the parties responsible for their injuries.
  • How Does Failing to Properly Maintain Trucks Lead to Accidents?

    Negligent truck maintenance significantly contributes to accidents by compromising the vehicle's safety and operational integrity. When trucks are not regularly inspected or maintained, critical components such as brakes, tires, lights, and steering mechanisms can fail, leading to catastrophic outcomes. For example, worn or improperly inflated tires can burst, causing the driver to lose control, while faulty brakes may not function adequately in an emergency stop situation. Additionally, malfunctioning lights can reduce visibility and communication with other road users, increasing the likelihood of collisions. Such negligence not only endangers the truck driver but also poses a significant risk to other vehicles and pedestrians on the road. Regular and thorough maintenance is essential to ensure trucks are safe.
  • Who Is Liable for a Truck Accident?

    Determining liability in a truck accident can be complex, as multiple parties may be at fault. The truck driver could be liable for negligent behavior like distracted driving or fatigue. The trucking company might be responsible if it failed to enforce safety regulations or pushed drivers beyond legal hours. Additionally, manufacturers could be held accountable for defective truck parts, while maintenance providers might be liable for improper servicing. Cargo loaders may also face responsibility for accidents caused by improperly secured or overloaded cargo. Identifying all liable parties is crucial, often requiring thorough investigation and legal experience to navigate the multifaceted nature of truck accident claims.

  • What Damages Are Available in a Texas Truck Accident Case?

    In a truck accident claim, you may be eligible to recover compensation to address economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages include tangible losses such as medical expenses, lost wages from time off work, loss of earning capacity if you're unable to return to the same level of work, and repair or replacement costs for any property damage. Non-economic damages cover less tangible losses like pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium for impacted relationships. In some cases, if the defendant's actions were particularly egregious, punitive damages might also be awarded to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar conduct in the future.
  • Where Do You Handle Truck Accident Cases?

    We handle cases nationwide, with our offices in Houston, Dallas, Midland, and Baton Rouge. Our help extends to clients in Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, and beyond, including in cities like Austin, Corpus Christi, Ft. Worth, San Angelo, and Tyler. To learn more if we can help you, we encourage you to call today!

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