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The Nation's Leading Personal Injury Lawyers Over $20 Billion Won

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  • Record-Setting $8 Billion

    Top 3 Largest Jury Verdict in U.S. History

  • Record-Setting $2.25 Billion

    Record-Setting Victory for Roundup Cancer Victim

  • Record-Setting $860 Million

    History-Making Verdict After Fatal Crane Accident

  • Record-Setting $557 Million

    Massive Verdict Won Against Union Pacific

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Record-Setting Dallas Personal Injury Lawyers

Our Dallas Accident Attorneys Rebuild Lives
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Our Dallas Injury Attorneys Have Won Over $20 Billion

Accidents change the lives of those who experience them. Bills pile up, wages decrease or disappear, and families are left wondering if their lives will ever be the same. At Arnold & Itkin, it’s our mission to be advocates for people who have experienced the worst injuries, accidents, and losses. Our Dallas personal injury attorneys have traveled across the nation to help those who need it most, fighting to find answers and seek accountability for the harm they've experienced. We've taken on the biggest corporations, winning life-changing settlements and awards that have helped our clients rebuild and find peace. In all, we've won over $20 billion for the injured.

How Filing a Dallas Personal Injury Claim Can Help You

Personal injury incidents, while unique in detail, often share a critical factor: they are typically preventable. Whether due to a company's negligence in prioritizing profit over safety, or an individual's carelessness or wrongful actions, you should not have to bear the consequences alone. Our Dallas injury law firm is committed to holding responsible parties accountable. We focus on securing the answers you need, supporting your recovery process, and aiding you in navigating the path forward after an injury.

Filing a personal injury claim offers several benefits that are crucial for your physical, emotional, and financial recovery:

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Our Founding Partners

Meet the Arnold & Itkin Team

Filing a personal injury case isn't just about compensation. It's about getting answers. It's about seeing justice served. Our Dallas injury law firm demands the truth, exposing wrongdoing and helping our clients find closure. Even when we're up against teams of corporate defense lawyers who only see our clients as potential financial losses, and even when the other side seems unbeatable, we outwork them. Losing isn't an option. We put in the effort to get results that no one else can.

Meet the Team

Hear Our Clients' Stories

  • “I told him, “Kurt you’re my hero. You’re my knight in shining armor.” Because that’s how I feel toward him. He’s there to protect me, and I feel so safe. They are driven. They are aggressive. They will not quit for you. They will not give up for you. That’s what makes them special.”
    Mildred Solar Cortes El Faro Widow
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  • “They’re unstoppable! They definitely have the experience you need. They're fighting for these little people that can’t handle themselves when a giant comes. Almost like the David and Goliath. It’s an amazing thing to see.”
    Shawn Thomas Workplace Explosion Victim
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  • “I really feel like Arnold & Itkin brought justice to my family. Not only my family but many other families. It was just unreal how tirelessly they worked. Our trial lasted around 10 days. Every night, they were working ‘til way after midnight. There were a couple nights they never even slept. It was just amazing to me and my family.”
    Terry Yount Father of Drug Injury Victim
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Our Testimonials

No Matter Who You Ask

We've consistently received the legal industry's highest honors, won the nation's largest results, and been repeatedly featured in both local and national news publications. We're proud of these honors and deeply grateful to the clients who continually put their trust in our team.

Awards & Honors
  • Best Lawyers - Best Law Firms 2023
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  • Best Lawyers - Best Law Firms 2020
  • Best Lawyers - Best Law Firms 2019
  • Best Lawyers 2021
  • SuperLawyers
  • LawDragon - 500 Leading Lawyers 2020
  • Inner Circle of Advocates
  • Top 100 Trial Lawyers
  • Texas Lawyer - Top Verdicts & Settlements 2019
  • Best Lawyers in America
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Common Questions

  • What Should I Do If I’ve Been Injured in Dallas?

    After any accident or injury, your immediate focus should be on receiving medical care. Even if you don't feel severely injured, it's important to get checked by a medical professional, as some injuries, like whiplash or brain trauma, might not be immediately obvious. If possible, collect evidence at the scene: take photos, gather contact details of witnesses and other involved parties, and jot down your recollections of the event. It's crucial to avoid apologizing or admitting any fault at the scene, as these statements could impact your ability to secure fair compensation later. Talk to a Dallas injury lawyer about your rights and options. If you’ve been seriously injured, your future is uncertain. You’re facing financial problems caused by mounting medical bills and missed work. The right lawyer can help you make it through to a brighter future.

  • How Do I Know If I Have a Personal Injury Case?

    Determining if you have a viable personal injury case requires a thorough evaluation of your situation by a Dallas personal injury attorney, especially if you've suffered serious injuries due to someone else's actions. To assess the potential for legal action, consider the severity of your injuries and their impact on your life, including financial, emotional, and physical aspects. Key factors to consider include the nature of the incident that caused your harm, the parties responsible, any contributory fault, and the insurance coverage applicable to the accident. Our injury attorneys at Arnold & Itkin are committed to a comprehensive examination of all these elements. We understand the significant implications of your case and are dedicated to pursuing answers, accountability, and just compensation for our clients.

  • Who Is the Best Dallas Personal Injury Lawyer for Me?

    The best personal injury law firm for you is the one that will fight for the compensation that you need rather than the one you're offered. At Arnold & Itkin, our Dallas personal injury attorneys have a reputation for doing exactly this. We investigate accidents, look at our client's lives, and work to determine the full costs of their accident—including the less obvious losses, such as those that happened or those that are unable to be counted. Our Dallas accident lawyers have received recognition from our peers and opponents as some of the best working in the field today. We never back down, we refuse to let our clients be mistreated, and we demand justice no matter how tough the challenge.
  • What Compensation Can Be Recovered in an Injury Claim?

    In Texas personal injury claims, an injured individual can potentially recover several types of compensation, including general damages for non-measurable losses like pain and suffering, lost wages for income not earned during recovery, medical bill expenses, and lost future earning potential. In cases of gross negligence, punitive damages might also be awarded. Additionally, family members of the injured person can seek damages, such as loss of consortium (loss of affection), or file a wrongful death claim if the injury results in the victim's death.

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