Case Description
On March 5, 2016, our client took a brief rest near some railroad tracks after losing her friends during a night out. Minutes later, train operators spotted her unmoving body on the tracks from a distance and even identified her as a person, but they made no attempt to stop or even slow down the train.
Upon impact, our client suffered grievous and life-changing injuries, including the loss of her leg, the loss of multiple fingers, and severe brain damage. All these injuries caused our client considerable physical pain and emotional suffering while requiring extensive physical therapy.
Attorney Kyle Findley and our team proved at trial that the train operators could have avoided impact if they had taken proper action. As a result, the jury awarded our client $557 million from Union Pacific, ensuring she’ll be able to take care of herself despite her diminished earning capacity and massive medical costs.
Our firm is proud of this result and thrilled to have gotten our client what she needed.