Suit Filed for Fisherman Injured in the Gulf of Mexico

Arnold & Itkin’s maritime lawyers are proud to be representing a fisherman whose fishing trip in the Gulf of Mexico was turned into a nightmare.
An unmarked offshore platform was left abandoned by its owner, unlit and unmanned, and our client’s boat crashed into it. This crash left him gravely hurt, with four fractured vertebrae and other severe injuries to his back, neck, shoulders, chest, ribs, torso, head, and legs. All these devastating injuries would have been easily preventable if the platform owner had acted with any responsibility, but instead, our client is left with catastrophic, traumatic injuries and a long road of recovery ahead of him.
One of our lawyers on the case said, “It is 100% unacceptable to abandon an offshore platform in the Gulf of Mexico. Those responsible for this platform left it unlit, unmanned, and unmarked, waiting to seriously injure or kill those that would eventually crash into it. It was inevitable. Unfortunately, it happened to our client while he was on a fishing trip with friends. We look forward to holding those responsible for that platform accountable.- Categories
- Offshore/Maritime Injuries